I am the vice chair of the Measure U2012 Citizens' Oversight Committee, a native of Santa Maria, and am retired from the Santa Maria Fire Department after 34 years of service. I strongly encourage all Santa Maria voters to vote yes on extending Measure U to support local priorities identified by our neighbors.

This local sales tax measure provides needed funding for vital public safety services and quality-of-life programs that all residents expect and deserve.

Sitting on the oversight committee since its inception, I have been able to review all of the budget reports to assure transparency and that every Measure U revenue dollar is spent exactly as the city said it would do. Last year, 91 percent of the funds went to support Police and Fire services, and the rest to Recreation and Parks, Code Compliance, and the public library.

Supporters include the Chamber of Commerce, major labor unions, and the unanimous City Council, among others. Measure U is vitally important to meet the ever-growing needs of our community. All of the revenue generated by Measure U stays right here in our community. No funds may be taken away by the state. By extending Measure U, we protect the current voter-approved funding supporting essential services and enable our community to continue to thrive.

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