Hear about the GOP senators' personal information posted on the internet? Did you read the posts were traced back to a computer in Rep. Maxine Waters' (D-Los Angeles) offices? Let's judge this as Democrats and treat her like Judge Kavanaugh. She denies any involvement or knowledge. Should we believe her? Not if we use Democrats' standards.

First, we throw out the constitutional protection that a person is innocent until "proven" guilty. Second, conclude she's guilty before we know any facts or hear any evidence. Third, call for the FBI to investigate but refuse to accept the report because it does not corroborate your conclusions. Fourth, threaten death and mutilation as Professor Carol Christine Fair did to the GOP senators who supported Kavanaugh. Don't forget the teacher who was suspended for advocating killing Judge Kavanaugh.

This is the Democratic Party of today. Rabid, in-your-face, attack, revile, forget the Constitution's rights afforded to anyone who disagrees with you, and destroy anyone who gets in your way. That is exactly why we need Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. A judge who will uphold the Constitution as written in order to protect everyone's rights. Democrats chafe under the restrictions placed on them by the Constitution and want to change it.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) knows that a person is innocent until proven guilty. What about Sen. Kamala Harris (D-California)? Of course she knows that also? Didn't they both take an oath to uphold the Constitution of this country? If a person is "proven guilty" then respond accordingly, but until that happens they as representatives must uphold that person's rights as they would their own. Both intentionally failed miserably. Their behavior shouts hypocrisy and they are even more despicable than the media.

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