Seriously, Islam is violent

I am appalled at reading the supposedly scholarly researched articles written by Dr. Cader, which promote the idea of Islam as the religion of peace (“Reawaken Muhammed’s words,” Sept. 4 and “‘These murderers are not our own,’” Sept. 11). That is just utter nonsense. Instead of reading the Koran, Dr. Cader should read the history books.

Ever since the founding of the religion by Mohammed 1,400 years ago, the Muslims have waged wars and violence against all other religions, Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. In the process, they conquered vast territories and converted the people to Islam by force. The latest display of barbarism by ISIS is another sordid chapter in Islam’s playbook toward the goal of world domination.

As that old advice goes: Look what they do, and not what they say.