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CELEBRATING THE MOMENT: Cindy Ransick (left), Mayor Alice Patino (center), and Christine Gerber (right) shared a moment on July 2 at the Historical Society Museum. Ransick is executive director of the museum, while Gerber is event coordinator for the upcoming American Antiques Show.

The Santa Maria Historical Society wants to make history.

They will do this by initiating a brand new signature event—an All American Antiques Show—to be held Saturday, Nov. 1, at where else but the Historic Santa Maria Inn.

Historical Society Board President Jim Zemaitis and Historical Society Museum Executive Director Cindy Ransick recruited Christine Gerber to coordinate the event.

Dealer and former estate liquidator Linda Bonetto was the first signee for the show: “I have a group of Early American antiques that will be just right for this,” she said.

She and about 40 others attended the ribbon cutting to announce the show, held on Wednesday afternoon, July 2, at the Historical Society Museum, which is ever so conveniently located, don’t-cha-know, next to the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce, which is a sponsor of the show.

Her Honor (and all-around good sport) Mayor Alice Patino participated in the goings-on and contributed some fun by showing off her “rhinestone tattoo” on her upper arm. “I got it,” she revealed, “at the Relay for Life.”

The “tattoo,” a star, was the perfect accessory for the occasion, which was a pre-Fourth of July gathering, with red, white, and blue icing on cookies and an all-American menu of hot dogs and chocolate chip cookies (no icing on those!).

The event was held outside the museum, on the green, so it was for all intents and purposes a lovely summer garden party.

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HISTORIC OCCASION: Recently retired Chamber of Commerce CEO Bob Hatch (left) joined with Dave Cross, the Chamber’s director of economic development, on July 2 at the Historical Society’s ribbon cutting and reception.

Gary Wyatt, an ambassador for the Chamber, passed out very nice little American flags to all. Three other Chamber ambassadors—Erika Weber, Pastor Dave Brogren, and Carolyn McCall—were among the crowd.

Historical Society board members on hand were Dee Martini, Mike Farris, and Evie Geiger (she’s the Valley Speaks chairperson).

Of course, it wouldn’t be an official Historical Society occasion without the likes of Shirley Contreras, our unofficial local historian, Boston’s gift to Santa Maria.

Jimmy Enos played some recognizable tunes for those who wandered inside the museum to admire the saber-tooth tiger skeleton on display, as well as a gorgeous carnival glass punch bowl set.

While we were sitting outside, Cindy Ransick brought out a recent donation to show to Jim Zemaitis. She handed him a set of World War I leggings: two rolled-up khaki wool strips that looked to be in wonderful condition.

Never at a loss for historical background facts, Zemaitis told me that the leggings (or wool strips) were wound around the legs of World War I-era doughboys to keep pants legs close to the body and prevent mud, water, and assorted vermin from making their way north and distracting the soldiers—which I didn’t know.

This being the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I, I felt, while handling the leggings, like we all should have broken out in song—perhaps appropriately, “Over There.”

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MINI-BARBECUE CREW: Jim Zemaitis grilled hot dogs for the Historical Society’s ribbon cutting on July 2, while Jerry Simas (back row) and Jimmy Enos (far right) assisted.

“You never know what people will bring by,” Ransick said. “This is such a fun place to work at.”

Certified antique appraiser Ann Menniger (there with husband Dick) is jazzed about the upcoming event, where there will be room for 30 dealers.

A 10-by-10 space at the antiques show will cost $125. Interested dealers can contact Cindy Ransick at the Historical Society.

“I am excited that we are going to be able to bring this new event to Santa Maria,” Zemaitis said.


Want to hobnob with Helen? Contact her at [email protected].

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