Santa Maria Sun

Oceano needs a break from vehicles

Lucia Casalinuovo - Oceano Nov 21, 2017 15:55 PM

Forbidding driving on some areas of the Oceano Dunes will definitely benefit the lungs of Mesa residents who are breathing the dangerous PM10 being generated at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. However, it will not help the lungs of people like me who live, do business, and/or vacation on Pier Avenue and in the Oceano Beach Community. In fact, we are also exposed to PM10 mostly caused by thousands of vehicles driving on the beach and by the track-out of sand when they exit the beach.

To ameliorate the quality of our air, Parks needs to reduce drastically the number of vehicles travelling on Pier Avenue and Oceano Beach. It comes to a point when a park, a natural area, a wilderness cannot take anymore of the use and abuse to which they are subjected. Then it is time to reduce the number of people allowed on them. It is done all over the country with other parks. Why can’t it be done here? The Oceano dunes, beach, and community cannot take anymore use and abuse. It is time they get a break.