Jun 8-18, 2023

Vol. 24, No. 15

In 2019, the State Water Resources Control Board order 30 airports across the state to investigate their soil and water for contaminants known as PFAS, which were commonly used decades ago in things like firefighting foam. The Santa Maria Public Airport was one of those airports. Although the investigation isn’t yet finalized, the regional  water board is trying to figure out who should pay for the cost of cleaning up the low levels of PFAS found in the soil and water around the airport’s runway. Staff Writer Taylor O’Connor talks to the water board, county environmental officials, and the airport about it [6].
This week, you can also read about what Lompoc is doing to reduce overdose deaths [4]; an Allan Hancock professor’s book about enchanting trails on the West Coast [18]; and where Liquid Gravity Brewing is opening its second spot [21].

Foam legacy

A firefighting substance used at the Santa Maria Public Airport decades ago contaminated its water, soil

By Taylor O'Connor



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